Sciatica Treatment Albury-Wodonga

What is Sciatica?
Sciatica is actually just a description, not a diagnosis. It simply means that you have thigh or leg pain. It doesn’t tell you what is causing the pain. The word comes about because the name of the biggest (and longest) nerve that travels down the back of your thigh and leg is called your sciatic nerve.
Initially, nerves travel separately out of the low back and then join together to form the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve runs from the low back through your piriformis muscle in your bottom, then goes down the back of your thigh, the side of the leg and into your foot.
Due to the complex anatomy of the nerve, symptoms are quite different for everyone depending upon where the nerve pressure/ irritation has occurred. Chiropractic care at House of Chiropractic works to find the cause of the irritation and provide Sciatica relief in Albury, and if possible long-term correction.
Symptoms of Sciatica

The symptoms of sciatica can vary substantially. They can begin slowly over months or years or they can be felt intensely immediately. You may feel a dull ache through to sharp knife-like pain.
These are common presentations we see regularly at our Chiropractic practice in Albury:
Pins and needles in the leg or foot
Severe stabbing pain into the back of the thigh and leg
Buttock pain that may or may not go into the thigh
A burning pain that can travel down one or even both legs
Pulling or grabbing pain in the buttocks and leg
The Causes of Sciatica
There are many causes. The most common cause of Sciatica in our office is spinal misalignment. Here the spine is misaligned causing nerve pressure or irritation on the nerves as they exit the spinal bones giving you leg pain. If you have hip, knee, or leg pain, it's essential to address your low back.
Pain in your hip, leg, or knee can stem from a problem in your low back.
Other causes of sciatica, but not limited to, are:
Degenerative Joint Disease
Spinal canal stenosis
Piriformis Syndrome
Sacroiliac Joint Problems
Chiropractic Care for Sciatica
Chiropractic Adjustments (spinal alignments) to your low back can improve the function of your hip and leg and remove the pressure off the nerve.
If you are looking for sciatica relief in Albury, House of Chiropractic has been seeing patients with Sciatica for years. Over 85% of the population will be afflicted with back pain at some point in their life. Many will also have associated leg pain or radiculopathy.
If this sounds like you, know you are in the right place. Our practice is focused on helping people find relief naturally. We use the latest evidence-informed care to ensure you can get back on your feet as soon as possible and find lasting relief.
Chiro Dr Janine Adams
First Chiropractic Visit
We will be there to welcome you as soon as you open the door. During your first visit to House of Chiropractic in Albury-Wodonga, our Chiropractor will listen to you to find out what is wrong.
If they think you may be out of alignment a thorough examination will be recommended. This will include digital postural analysis. It may be necessary to have some x-rays taken of your spine. We will explain all the steps involved.
Please allow around 30 - 45 minutes for your first visit.
If we think chiropractic care can help you, you may have your first spinal correction ('adjustment') at this visit. This is completely different for everyone. We use a range of techniques depending on what is best suited for you and your health concerns.
We'd Love to Hear from You.
Our Chiropractic House is welcoming and waiting for you. Simply tap the button above to book your first visit online or CONTACT US - we'll be happy to answer any questions you may have!